Documenting customary tenure in the Cambodian protected areas landscape
Description – An alliance of organizations supported by the Mekong Region Land Governance project has conducted three initiatives aiming to document customary tenure of communities living inside Protected Areas. The research examines these interventions: (1) The methods used to document customary tenure, (2) the extent to which it has delivered on its objectives, and (3) the wider outcomes (intended and non-intended, positive and negative). The analysis is based on fieldwork conducted in July and August 2022 with a wide range of State and non-State actors involved in these processes.
Role – Lead researcher
Period – 2022-2023
Location – Cambodia (fieldwork in of Preah Vihear, Mondul Kiri and Ratanak Kiri provinces)
Partnership – MRLG (Mekong Region Land Governance) – ADIC (Analyzing Development Issues Centre)

Irrigated land tenure in Cambodia and Myanmar
Description – This research project aims to understand and assess land issues revolving around a diversity of irrigation contexts and how they are addressed by stakeholders. The research will support the formulation of guidelines that intertwine land tenure issues within the design and implementation of irrigation development and rehabilitation projects
Role – Principal Investigator for Cambodia
Period – 2020-2022
Location – Cambodia (fieldwork in the provinces of Battambang, Kandal, Takeo and Mondul Kiri)
Partnership – COSTEA (Comité Scientifique et Technique Eau Agricole) and AFD (the French Development Agency)

State of land in the Mekong region (I and II)
Description – This research is being conducted in two phases and is linked to the Mekong Region Land Governance project. The first phase (2016-2018) aimed to bring together key data and information on the current status and trajectories of change with regard to land resources, their social distribution, and the conditions of their governance. In the second phase, we are gathering evidence about pathways that foster sustainability in agricultural landscapes. These focus on i) agricultural commercialisation and commoditisation; ii) recognition, formalisation and security of customary tenure in forest landscapes; and iii) the co-creation of agricultural landscapes with positive environmental impacts
Role – Co-editor and researcher
Period – Phase 1: 2016-2018 and Phase 2: 2020-ongoing
Location – Cambodia
Partnership – CDE (Centre for Development and Environment) and MRLG (Mekong Region Land Governance project)

Mekong region land governance project
Description – The MRLG project aims to secure land tenure for smallholder farmers in the Mekong region (specifically the countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam) through the implementation of improved policies and practices. It is implemented by groups (alliances) who work towards an agreed goal or objective. The two focus areas are 1) responsible agricultural and investment and 2) recognition of customary tenure
Role – In the capacity of regional coordinator on Responsible Agricultural Investment I was involved in research-based activities concerning large-scale land acquisition in Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Vietnam. I was also active in the organisation and facilitation of regional policy dialogues and multi-stakeholder forums as well as co-leading the knowledge management activities of the whole project
Period – 2015-2019
Location – Cambodia
Partnership – MRLG (Mekong Region Land Governance project), LEI (Land Equity International) and GRET (Groupe de Recherches et d’Echanges Technologiquues

Community-based rural development project, Kampot-Kampong Thom
Description – One component of this large rural development project revolved around community-based natural resource management. This involved working with local government counterparts in the design and implementation of Community Forestry, Community Fisheries and participatory land use mapping/planning in 62 villages across Kampong Thom province. The project also provided land use mapping services for commune councils in line with decentralisation policies
Role – In the capacity of technical advisor, I coordinated the activities of the component including field work and a comprehensive capacity development program for partner staff members. I was also part of the whole program management team
Period – 2004-2007
Location – Kampong Thom, Cambodia
Partnership – GIZ (German Technical Cooperation), Kampong Thom Department of Environment and Kampong Thom Cantonments of the Forestry and Fisheries Administration